Opinion Essays

People with special talents can create those

Every human can create art or only people with special talents can create those. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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The question of whether everyone can create art or only those with special talents can do so is a topic of debate. Some believe that anyone can create art with practice and dedication, while others argue that it takes natural talent to produce truly great art. In my opinion, while natural talent can be helpful, anyone can create art with the right mindset and approach.

On the one hand, those who argue that only those with special talents can create great art believe that natural ability is essential for producing truly exceptional work. They point to famous artists throughout history, such as Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent van Gogh, as evidence of this belief. They argue that while anyone can learn the technical skills needed to create art, only those with innate talent can create truly great works.

On the other hand, those who believe that anyone can create art with practice and dedication argue that artistic ability can be developed over time. They point to the fact that many great artists, such as Pablo Picasso or Jackson Pollock, did not start out as prodigies but developed their skills over time through practice and experimentation. They argue that anyone can learn to create art with dedication and perseverance.

In my opinion, while natural talent can be helpful in creating art, anyone can learn to create art with the right mindset and approach. While some people may have a natural inclination towards artistic expression, anyone can develop their skills through practice, experimentation, and a willingness to learn. With dedication and hard work, anyone can create art that is meaningful and impactful.

Overall, the question of whether anyone can create art or only those with special talents can do so is a matter of debate. While natural talent can be helpful, anyone can learn to create art with practice and dedication. As with any skill, developing artistic ability takes time and effort, but with the right mindset and approach, anyone can create art that is meaningful and impactful.

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