Space exploration is much too expensive, and the money should be spent on more important things. What is your opinion?
Solution to Space Exploration IELTS Essay
There is the claim that space exploration is a waste of money and that there are more pressing issues on Earth, such as decreasing poverty and preventing environmental degradation. However, in my opinion, space exploration is not a waste of money because it allows the discovery of new technology and better decisions.
Many of the technologies we take for granted today emerged from space exploration. Consider the reliance on satellite technology for broadcasting and weather forecasting. Without satellites, it would be impossible to monitor global events in real-time or warn communities of approaching storms. In addition, space exploration has led to the creation of novel lightweight materials that provide heat protection and allow for food preservation. Therefore, the difficulty of sending humans into space has frequently prompted the creation of new technologies that improve our daily lives.
Second, because we cannot predict the distant future, we should acquire the ability to leave the planet. We are gradually discovering how people can survive in space for extended periods of time and even travel to other planets in the future. This essential knowledge will never be gained if space exploration is terminated. Indeed, environmental degradation is undoubtedly a serious issue, but if we never accept the challenge of discovering other worlds, we will remain dependent on our own.
In conclusion, while there is no doubt that our planet faces major issues, we must continue to explore space. It will foster additional technical advancements, which might be a boon for the entire human race.
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Hint: Facts on space exploration.
Space exploration is the act of exploring outer space. Exploration includes travelling to distant destinations, such as planets, moons, asteroids, etc., and gathering information about those places.
There have been many types of space exploration throughout history. Humans have explored outer space with everything from balloons to rockets.
Space exploration began shortly after man discovered how to travel great distances using fire. People started going out into the wilderness to gather food. At first, they just went out to collect edible plants. As people learned to build boats and ships, they sailed farther away from their home islands. Eventually, men became interested in learning how to control nature instead of just observing its effects. Scientists and inventors began looking at the sky and studying what was happening above them.
In the 19th century, the United States government funded several scientific projects to study outer space, including the Hayden Planetarium. One of these projects involved sending a balloon called the Great Western Balloon into outer space. Scientists sent the balloon into outer space to gather data on the atmosphere of Mars. The results were useful in predicting future weather patterns and helping scientists understand the climate.
After World War II, the U.S. government created NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to fund further scientific research and help protect the Earth from anything harmful that might fall from the sky. NASA’s primary mission was to explore outer space; however, they also studied the environment and helped find solutions to problems on Earth.
Today, many nations participate in space exploration. For example, China, Russia, Japan, India, France, Germany, and the European Union have all successfully launched spacecraft. These countries also send probes to land on the surface of Mars.
Most recently, private companies have begun funding space exploration. Google X, a division of Alphabet Inc. and SpaceX, are two companies that have invested billions of dollars into rocket technology and space exploration.
New technologies are being developed today to help us explore our solar system faster and more efficiently. One of the biggest challenges facing current space explorers is distance. Because we live on a planet that rotates around a star, the only way to get anywhere else is to go really fast. Due to this challenge, scientists have developed ways to slow down time.
Many people believe that humans will eventually colonise other worlds. However, some think our best chance of surviving is staying on Earth. If we do survive, we could become a space-based civilization. We would need to start by building cities in orbit around Earth. Once we could create a self-sustaining city in space, we could begin travelling between the stars.
When we finally reach Mars, we should use it as an opportunity to learn how to live off the Earth. Colonising Mars could be the solution to our survival problem. We could set up a base on Mars and continue to explore the solar system while waiting for a green world to evolve.