Resources and Guides

Sentence Structure: Key to a Higher Band Score

Writing is an integral part of the IELTS exam and sentence structure plays a vital role in determining your band score.

Having a strong command of sentence structure not only enhances the readability and clarity of your writing but also demonstrates your grammatical accuracy and language proficiency.

In this blog post, we will guide you on how to improve your sentence structure to achieve a higher band score in the IELTS. By understanding various sentence types, using correct grammar, learning sentence connectors and discourse markers, enhancing sentence variety, practising sentence combining and expansion, and seeking feedback, you will be well-equipped to create impressive sentences that will leave a lasting impression on the examiners.

Overview of the Different Sentence Types

In order to improve your sentence structure, it is essential to understand the different sentence types. Sentences can be classified into three primary categories: simple, compound, and complex sentences.

A simple sentence consists of only one main clause, containing a subject and a verb. For example, “John runs.”

A compound sentence consists of two or more main clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and,’ ‘but,’ or ‘or.’ For example, “I love ice cream, but I am lactose intolerant.”

A complex sentence consists of both a main clause and at least one subordinate clause. The subordinate clause provides additional information and is introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as ‘although,’ ‘because,’ or ‘when.’ For example, “Although it was raining, he went for a walk.”

Using a variety of sentence types in your IELTS writing showcases your ability to construct varied and sophisticated sentences, which is highly valued by the examiners.

Use Correct Grammar

When improving sentence structure, it is crucial to utilize correct grammar. Grammatical accuracy is a significant factor in determining your band score. Here are some essential tips:

1. Verb tense and subject-verb agreement: Ensure consistency in verb tense throughout your writing and ensure that the verb agrees with the subject in number. For example, “The students are studying diligently.”

2. Avoid common grammatical mistakes: Be cautious about common errors such as using the wrong form of pronouns, incorrect word order, or subject-verb disagreement. Regular practice and familiarity with grammar rules can help you avoid these errors.

3. Utilize punctuation marks properly: Correct usage of punctuation marks, such as commas, semicolons, and colons, is crucial for clarity and coherence. Pay attention to their placement to avoid confusion in your writing.

By using correct grammar, you not only convey your ideas clearly but also demonstrate your proficiency in the English language to the examiners.

Learn Sentence Connectors and Discourse Markers

Sentence connectors and discourse markers aid in linking ideas and developing coherence in your writing. They play a crucial role in developing well-structured sentences. Here are some commonly used connectors:

1. To add information: Furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally

2. To contrast ideas: However, on the other hand, nevertheless, despite

3. To exemplify or give examples: For instance, for example, such as

4. To summarize or conclude: In conclusion, overall, in summary

5. To indicate time or sequence: Firstly, secondly, meanwhile, subsequently

By incorporating sentence connectors and discourse markers effectively, you enhance the organization and flow of your sentences, contributing to a higher band score.

Enhance Sentence Variety

A well-structured piece of writing includes a variety of sentence structures, which make your writing more engaging and sophisticated. Here are a few techniques to enhance sentence variety:

1. Inversion: Start a sentence with an adverb or adverbial phrase to add emphasis or create a different sentence structure. For example, “Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.”

2. Appositives: Use appositives, which are noun phrases that provide additional information about a noun, to add variety to your sentences. For example, “Mary, an avid reader, enjoys spending her weekends at the library.”

3. Nominalization: Transform verbs or adjectives into nouns to add complexity to your sentences. For example, “The conversation led to a significant breakthrough.”

By incorporating these techniques and avoiding repetitive sentence structures, you can elevate the quality of your sentences and impress the examiners.

Practice Sentence Combining and Sentence Expansion

Practicing sentence combining and expansion exercises can help you develop your sentence structure skills. Here are some ways to improve:

1. Sentence combining: Take two or more short sentences and combine them into one sentence to create more complex structures. For example, “John ran to the store; he bought some groceries.” can be combined as “John ran to the store and bought some groceries.”

2. Sentence expansion: Expand your sentences by adding modifiers, such as adjectives or adverbs, to provide more details or develop ideas further. For example, “The beautiful flower” can be expanded to “The fragrant, vibrant flower.”

Consistent practice with sentence combining and expansion exercises will enable you to construct more sophisticated and coherent sentences during the exam.

Seek Feedback and Self-Edit

After completing your writing, it is crucial to proofread and edit for sentence structure improvement. Here are some tips to enhance your self-editing process:

1. Proofreading: Review your writing for any mistakes in sentence structure, grammar, or punctuation. Check for clarity, coherence, and consistency in your sentences.

2. Seek feedback: Share your writing with teachers, peers, or online communities to receive feedback on your sentence structure. Benefit from different perspectives and suggestions for improvement.

3. Self-edit: Develop the ability to identify common sentence structure errors yourself. Familiarize yourself with common mistakes and practice correcting them.

By seeking feedback and self-editing, you can refine your sentence structure and produce more polished and impressive writing.


To achieve a higher band score in the IELTS, it is essential to master sentence structure. By understanding different sentence types, utilizing correct grammar, learning sentence connectors and discourse markers, enhancing sentence variety, practicing sentence combining and expansion, and seeking feedback, you can enhance your sentence structure skills and impress the examiners with your writing abilities. Remember to practice consistently and apply these techniques in your IELTS writing for a successful and impressive band score.

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