Opinion Essays

It is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities

Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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In recent years, there has been a growing debate on whether it is more beneficial to plant trees in open spaces in cities and towns or to construct more housing. While some argue that building more houses is important to address the growing population, others contend that planting trees is crucial for environmental conservation.

Those who believe that building more housing is more important than planting trees argue that the rising population requires more housing, and therefore, more land. They argue that people need homes and planting trees in open spaces will only lead to a shortage of housing, which will ultimately lead to a rise in homelessness.

On the other hand, others argue that planting trees in open spaces is more important than building more housing. Trees provide various environmental benefits, including absorbing carbon dioxide, improving air quality, and providing shade, which reduces the temperature in urban areas. By planting trees, we can create a greener and healthier environment for residents of cities and towns.

In conclusion, while both sides of the argument have valid points, I believe that planting trees in open spaces in towns and cities is more important than building more housing. Trees provide numerous environmental benefits and help to create a healthy and sustainable environment, which is vital for the well-being of residents. Nonetheless, policymakers must find a balance between housing and environmental conservation to ensure the well-being of both humans and the environment.

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