Discuss and Opinion Essays

Where should professional workers work?

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Solution

Certain individuals think that specialists such as engineers and medical professionals need to be employed in the same country where they completed their learning. While the opponents contend that they should have the choice of where they work. I will discuss both views in this essay and will argue in favour of the freedom of professionals to choose where they want to work.

Firstly, some people believe that professional employment sectors are responsible for supporting their national services. This is due to the substantial brain drain in their native country if they relocate to work in other nations. Additionally, individuals can experience culture shock in their new nations, which would prevent them from realizing their aspirations. The Gulf Countries are a prime example since they provide booming occupations for their citizens to entice them to stay in their nation. Therefore, talented people will make every effort to remain and help their mother countries thrive as long as those mother countries provide them with enticing job possibilities.

On the other hand, Opponents contend that people of all categories can choose where they live and work based on their personal choices. To give an example, consider how this might play out for doctors and engineers in civil engineering who would eventually seek out superior living and working standards abroad. For instance, many professionals leave Egypt because of the country’s failing infrastructure and health conditions. This case demonstrates that negative local conditions contribute to brain drain and the misery of the local populace. In my view, all individuals have a choice and freedom to work in any country and place they wish to work. So, there should not be any binding restrictions on professional workers.

To conclude, even though some people think that professionals who completed their entry-level jobs in particular countries should work in those same countries, I firmly believe that they have the right to seek more prestigious employment opportunities and better living conditions. Therefore, the government should provide its precious labour with lucrative chances to encourage them to stay.

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