Opinion Essays

The Trend of Western Clothes Over Traditional Clothing

In many countries, people now wear Western clothes such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

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In many countries, traditional clothing is becoming less common as people increasingly choose to wear western clothing like suits and jeans. This essay will examine the reasons for this trend and whether it is positive or negative.

Globalization is one of the main reasons for adopting Western outfits. International media through movies, TV serials, social media, etc., are highly popular and watched by everyone in the world and are therefore promoting Western clothing. Due to the high exposure, adopting Western wear has been considered a sign of modernity and class. In recent times, an easy global economy has facilitated multinational companies to spread worldwide; most of these companies maintain a dress code that goes with Western attire. The outcome is that the suit and jeans have become the epitome of formal dressing and achievement.

The trend of western clothing can be regarded in both the lights. The positive light is that it is a symbol of cultural assimilation and global oneness, the more people start wearing Western clothes, the more it is an integrated and connected world. It also gives people a lot of choices in wearing clothes that cater to the needs and the preferences of their day-to-day life. Though this decline of traditional attire helps in eradicating a lot of negative implications regarding it, it has many negative implications too.

The decline of traditional attire shall create a situation that will diminish the cultural identity and heritage. Traditional attire has ample cultural and historical value. If the traditional dresses decline, then the aspects of cultural uniqueness can also be lost. The other side of this is that the dominance of Western fashion can act as a form of cultural imperialism in which Western values and standards overshadow local traditions and practices.

In conclusion, while the adoption of Western clothing can have both positive and negative effects, it is important to ensure that cultural heritage is preserved and not eroded by the trend.

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