effects of smartphones on children

Negative effects of smartphones on children.

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample Solution

The youth now spend the majority of their waking hours on their smartphones thanks to the advancement of technology and the internet. This phenomenon is the result of several factors, which will be discussed in more detail in this essay. I also argue that this development harms children.

To start, a variety of variables influence why kids spend so much time on technology. One of them would be the amusement offered by social media, which drives people to scroll continuously on the digital platform. For example, a recent study I read demonstrates that social media platforms are created to boost users’ intake of the content uploaded online, which explains why most kids cannot put down their phones. Additionally, parents give their children cell phones from a young age to fill their free time rather than encouraging them to go outside. Therefore, each of these causes has an impact on the current situation.

First off, because kids are exposed to these modern devices at a young age, this development typically results in addiction. Second, youngsters who spend their days on their phones frequently experience detrimental effects on their academic performance, becoming less focused and motivated to learn. For instance, my sister became addicted to her smartphone after receiving it when she was just 10 years old, which caused a major decline in her academic performance. As a result, technology should be used responsibly.

In conclusion, adults unaware of the potential harm to children often cause severe phenomena like this one, and I think that social media use before the age of 18 should be limited to prevent further harm.


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