Agree Disagree Essays

Men should go out to work while women’s place is in the home

Many people think that men should go out to work while women’s place is in the home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Solution

Gender roles have always been a contentious issue. Many believe that women should play a more active role in society, but others support the conventional mentality that requires men to work outside and women to remain at home. I firmly accept the latter viewpoint for the reasons listed below.

In the first place, advancing gender equality helps both society and individuals. Women and men may have different biological characteristics, but stifling either gender with social pressure does not promote their growth. For example, female political leaders like Angela Merkel are among the world’s most influential and progressive leaders. If these powerful women were compelled to perform housework, the world would be bereft of their iconic roles. Therefore, these prevalent gender standards no longer apply in the modern world, and we must reconsider them.

In addition, some guys may prefer staying at home rather than working outside. In other words, the inverse also holds true for gender roles. In many industrialised nations, it is increasingly typical for females to hold regular jobs while their husbands take care of the children and run errands around the house. These folks express immense satisfaction with their circumstances. Consequently, not all men are built to work long hours under stress and prefer a more subdued lifestyle requiring more patience.

In conclusion, considering the subject of male and female societal roles, I believe that global dynamics are shifting. Therefore, we must accept the modification of previously received ideas. Each individual should be able to select his or her own fate, even though both sexes may possess innate qualities that differ from one another.

Model Solution Version 2

Several individuals claim that males should work while women should care for their families at home. I vehemently disagree with the following statement, as women are in no way inferior to males and should be treated equally. In the next body paragraphs, I will provide examples to support my claims.

First, there is no gender discrimination in this generation’s society; it used to be a matter of the past when this notion of women setting at home was prevalent. Even though men must work to survive, women are able to work and handle domestic responsibilities. Women are experts at juggling multiple responsibilities. Recent research indicates that working women succeed in both the office and home. Moreover, unlike women, men can only focus on one subject at a time. Additionally, they care for their children and ageing relatives at home.

Second, both men and women should concentrate on their professional objectives. Currently, everyone is educated and entitled to live at their own pace. A woman who recently earned a gold medal in archery is career-driven. In addition, males should support women to succeed in their endeavours, which stimulates them. For instance, the husband of a Russian couple who launched an online business named the site after his wife because the concept originated from her. Therefore, giving credit for their ideas motivates and respects them.

To sum up, women’s place is not in the home, and they should work alongside males. It depends on the mutual respect and encouragement supplied. Despite societal norms, women should prioritise their careers.

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